Thursday, September 30, 2010

Certain Uncertainities.......

At the moment, I am trying to pass some time before I sleep since the next thing I have in my plans is to fly to India tomorrow early morning......It's pretty much certain that I am going to come back.....but still an unsaid uncertainity hangs around.....Someone very close to my heart is so worried about me being able to make it back and that everything goes as it has been planned......but alas, we are no makers of our own destiny.... None of us can predict with certainity the future-near or far.....I am worried not about me but about the people who care about me and I am pretty much sure that such phase comes once or more than once in everyone's life.

Uncertainities are the spice of life- sweet or salty depends on the taker. I can't cease to wonder how life would be if it were not for these uncertain coincidences, those chance meetings, the flicks of luck or misfortunes....what if everything went as if it were planned? Well, 'certainly' life would have been easier for most of us except for those moments of happiness that we search in surprises, the joy that lightens up your face when luck favors you unexpectedly, the beauty that nature gives in the form of exceptions........

But happiness would be possessed by those who toiled hard but couldn't reach their goals, or never bothered to believe in serendipity.... There would be nothing called fate, no emotions in their varied forms, no sadness to be followed by good times.... A certain consistency would be taken for granted.That is indeed great since what better can one want out of life except consistency. At least this is what people demand, quite easily forgetting about the boredom that prevails after consistency is established.

Luckily, I am not one of those. I like to believe in luck, that bad times are always followed by good times and that there is always a greater good. These uncertainities have taught me how to appreciate the finer and mostly ignored moments that brighten up the life, for you never know when fate might toss the coin and you lose what you hold the dearest.....

Its easier said than done-living each moment to the fullest. But its one thing that I have learnt with time. What you see is not custom-made portions of life filled in each moment, but the way you decide to look at that moment is custom-made by each one of us. Life is what an individual decides it to be......But, sometimes its better to be a mere observer and let things decide for themselves.

Be it happiness or sadness, its always better to appreciate what is served in your platter for you never know when fate tosses its coin again and shows you the other half.