Thursday, September 30, 2010


Black is the color of the Little Black Dress which has adorned the red carpet for years...Black is what the sky is on a no-moon night.....Black is the color of dark....Black is the Black Hole in the universe.....Black is the Black body to absorb all radiations....Black is the color of secrets....Black means no discrimination....Black means sexy.....Black means homogenity....Black means the black cat that crosses your way.....Black means the goth and punk....Black is the color of gentlemen....Black is for mourning....Black means you miss the one you love....Black is Krishna....Black is powerful......Black is the color of serious-comedy......Black is in Kuro-nobility, age and experience......Black is the black sheep......Black is in Black Metal.....Black lies in black light.....Black is for anarchists.....Black is how a blind man sees the world.....Black is the color of desire.....Black is what infinity is....Black is in Black diamond......Black is everything what white isn't.......Black is where your imagination ends.....

The most sexy, powerful, elegant, homogenous color- Black. Its not just a color but a mix of those numerous amalgamted expressions which drive you and me alike......

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